So far.... roadschooling is going great for our family. The kids are thriving in their studies, and we're all learning so much. They each have daily schedules that they follow, and we're sure to interweave wherever we are into their learning experiences. From educating ourselves about the Revolutionary War while we walked the battlefields, studying World War II while we explored the battleships, experiencing colonial life at Williamsburg, or learning about the incredibly vast and powerful ocean - SO many opportunities have been laid before us to make school on the road plentiful and exciting.
At this point in our journey, we are camped next to the Indian River, just south of New Smyrna Beach, Florida. East Florida has been full of endless learning opportunities for all of us.
The weather is so beautiful that the kids enjoy doing school outside many mornings. If the boys are up to fish with the sunrise, the rule is that they have to stop at 9am to start school. We take advantage of the incredibly diverse ecosystem around us to do many nature studies. We even adopted a pet starfish and love observing its activities in its jelly jar. We've identified countless types of creatures, made ethogram charts to study animal behaviors, learned about the tides and their effects on the brackish river, and so much more.
Next week we're starting our science unit about space, and we'll be kicking it off with watching a NASA rocket launch at Cape Canaveral and visiting the Kennedy Space Center. We are so blessed!